Student Reflections: Santa Barbara #comments4kids
Student Reflection: Stories from The Crossing #learningisbigger #standagain
Denver Flashmob of Good (Student Reflection) #commentsforkids #flashmobofgood #standagain #learningi
Student Reflections from Moab
Student Reflections: Metanoia with Amal Kassir
Poetry Slam: Student writing
Lessons from Santa Barbara: Student Reflections #comments4kids
Lessons from a WWII Veteran: Student Response
Cultural Pilgrimage: Reflections from the Protestant Church #comments4kids
Cultural Pilgrimage: Reflections from our visit to a Buddhist Temple and Hindu Temple #learningisbig
Lunch with friends from the Denver Rescue Mission #comments4kids
Religious Pilgrimage Reflections #comments4kids
Frankenstein Reflections #commentsforkids
Building community through travel: Team Anastasis goes to Santa Barbara #standagain
Student Post: Reflection on Study #comments4kids
Being There: Student Post
Advent writings by Anastasis Jr. High
Beauty in the brokenness: Reflections from Team Fink
Reflections from a Cultural Pilgrimage Day 2: Synagogue
Reflections from Cultural Pilgrimage Day 1: Mosque